Saturday, June 21, 2008

Sunday May 25, 2008 London

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First thing in the morning and last thing at night I do something disgusting.  I go to McDonalds. It is the closest free Wi-Fi.  (my Microsoft Word spellchecker thinks “Wi-Fi” is misspelled suggesting wife as the right spelling) I still think a foreign McDonalds is the worst form of Americanizing and graffiti on the European landscape. That being said I still counted on it to check email and research galleries. I got hooked on Virgin Radio which played at McDonalds.  I can still listen to it back home at

Saw soccer fans on the way to Victoria station. I first thought it was a riot. Went to the Tate Britain, lots of Turners. Frederic Leighton’s “Flaming June” c1895 (curled up girl in orange) painting on loan. Caesar at audio guides told me about the ferry to Tate Modern. Did the Duchamp show at Tate Modern. Met a couple from New Orleans.  Retired medical professor with homes in London and New Orleans. Had a great talk about art walking away from the Tate over the Thames. Son at Cornell in NY so they will drop into the Coda gallery. 

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